Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,685 Threads: 24
Location: The village of Evenley
Car type: 1934 Austin Seven RP Deluxe
Sadly, I think you are right Ian, racing Austin Sevens in no longer a low cost option, so I think the club’s focus is more on the cheaper modern alternatives and concentrates more on motor sport, as the Austin Seven heritage slowly begins to fade...
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,495 Threads: 26
Location: North Yorkshire
I think the answer, Ian, is yes. 750 have moved on to become a very successful promoter of low cost modern racing and the Austin 7 part has gradually diminished until they've reached the point that it's not sustainable with where the club is now. The arrangement with PWA7C seems a way forward and I wish it every success.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,371 Threads: 249
Location: North Herts
I think it might be worthwhile repeating my post from early on in this thread, before the 750 members voted in favour of the proposal. The key message was this: If things continue as they are the section will gradually wither away to nothing.
The proposal is not an amalgamation or formal joining of the 750MC and the PWA7C. It is an agreement that each club will do certain things for the other. There will not be any intereference by either club in the running of the other club. Each will remain totally autonomous.
No-one is being told that they must choose between clubs. Everyone is able to belong to either or both.
For decades after the founding of the 750, the Austin 7 was intrinsically linked to every part of the club's activities. In more recent years that link has substantially diminished and now the club concentrates far more on its racing formulae, most of which have no connection with A7s.
The 'Heritage' part of the 750MC (road going A7s and Production Car Trials) exists today only because of the voluntary efforts of a relatively small band of people in the Centres who give their time freely to help keep the Centres and various events running. Without them there would be no Heritage section of the club.
750MC has tried in the past to recruit someone who could be the driving force for 'Heritage' at HQ/Board level but that has come to nothing and the harsh reality is that 'Heritage' is not going to thrive in the modern 750MC environment. If things continue as they are the section will gradually wither away to nothing.
We have therefore looked at what can be done to ensure that 750 does not lose its historic connection to the Austin 7 and at the same time ensure that those who have an interest in 'Heritage' receive support.
The proposal to place Heritage with the PWA7C fulfils that aim. It will strengthen both clubs and it will mean that those whose interest is in road going A7s and Production Car trials will be properly and well served. It also means that events such as the National Austin 7 Rally will continue into the future because there will be a much larger pool of people who could get involved.
Those who currently make Heritage happen at Centre level will be able to continue doing exactly what they do now. In that respect nothing changes.