Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,496 Threads: 26
Location: North Yorkshire
And mine today. Pretty much always arrives within a day or two of the start of the month. Remember, the Club is run entirely by volunteers so be reasonable and give them a chance to put things right.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 559 Threads: 89
Location: Deepest darkest Kent
Mine arrived yesterday, I agree with everything Steve said above
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 209 Threads: 1
Anyone not happy with the way that their club is being run has every opportunity to rectifying the situation by standing for election to the committee at the following AGM I I think.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 502 Threads: 15
Location: Dunchurch, Warwickshire
If you think there's a problem in your club, don't sit back & whinge about it, get stuck in and offer to help sort it out!
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 510 Threads: 13
01-08-2020, 09:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-08-2020, 09:46 PM by Nick Turley.)
Most people that whinge in most clubs do between little and nothing to help the club in question.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,371 Threads: 249
Location: North Herts
19-08-2020, 12:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 19-08-2020, 12:13 PM by Nick Salmon.)
This has just been published by 750MC.
Heritage Partnership Approved Between 750 Motor Club & Pre-War Austin Seven Club
Proposal will offer multiple benefits for Austin Seven members
750 Motor Club is pleased to announce that the proposal documented earlier this year to partner ‘heritage’ (non-race) Austin Seven 750 Motor Club members with the Pre-War Austin Seven Club (PWA7C) has been met with overwhelming approval, following a poll of applicable members.
The opportunity and resultant combined forces of the two clubs will create a larger platform on which to improve the ownership experience for non-race Austin Seven members, as well as helping drive new A7 recruitment. The scope would incorporate ‘Austin Seven’ and ‘Production Car Trials’ members (750MC ‘Heritage’ section), but not affect the ‘Sporting Trials’ or ‘Racing’ side of membership.
It is envisaged that joining forces could offer a membership boost of 10 to 20% for the 1000+ member PWA7C, to firm up its position as the number one resource and organisation for Austin Seven ‘non-race’ activities for years to come. Crucially, the terms of an agreement would ensure that the 750 Motor Club brand and its unique history remains intrinsically linked to Austin Seven activities, via branding of centres and high-profile trials and events such as the 750 Motor Club Beaulieu Rally and Summer Festival.
The combined paper and online poll saw a response rate in excess of 50%, with 88.5% of those voting in support of the new partnership agreement. As a result, the 750 Motor Club will now look to finalise and confirm an agreement with PWA7C on behalf of its members.
Existing 750 Motor Club centres will become PWA7C Centres in terms of membership but could if they wish remain branded with the same 750MC names (e.g. 750 Motor Club Brooklands Centre), and will continue to be run autonomously as per the current setup by existing members. Furthermore, maintaining a two-way promotional link is a vital element of the changes, as whilst non-race Austin Seven activities and promotion will no longer be handled via 750MC, the PWA7C will help to drive members interested in Austin Seven racing towards Historic 750 Formula (and other circuit racing competition) within the 750 Motor Club.
Many of the votes were accompanied by positive comments but some also highlighted concerns, suggestions and reservations, all of which will be reviewed and discussed in the first instance by the 750 Motor Club Board of Directors and the PWA7C team, in the first of a number of steps that will now be taken to work towards membership transition and to implement changes.
Subject to individual consent, the two clubs will plan a structure for the transfer of individuals’ membership. They will also arrange for access to heritage or racing archives, move distribution of the ‘Grey Magazines’ to PWA7C HQ and discuss a branding agreement between the two clubs. Once transferred, members will be able to contact PWA7C for general Austin Seven enquiries, and will also begin to benefit from a more extensive heritage events calendar and a monthly colour magazine. All motorsport events from rallies to production trials would continue uninterrupted using PWA7C’s Motorsport UK registration.
This process will take place across the autumn months with a provisional aim to transfer membership on PWA7C’s fixed annual renewal date of April 1st. 750MC will keep members updated throughout.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,218 Threads: 71
Just out of interest, and apologies if I have missed references to this, who is expected to be responsible for the organisation of the Beaulieu Austin 7 rally in future?
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,371 Threads: 249
Location: North Herts
Hi Hugh - In the short term it will be the same dedicated bunch of enthusiastic helpers, led by Ian Nelson.
Over time it would be hoped that the extensive PWA7C membership will yield more volunteers and then we can be assured that the 55+ year heritage of the rally at Beaulieu will be maintained in the long term.
Joined: Nov 2017 Posts: 21 Threads: 1
Well said Ian and David
A great pal of mine (and A7 owner many years ago) saved a pumping station in the centre of Chatham from destruction. The local Council then lumbered with the building asked him what they should do (30 plus years ago). He started a preservation society and got the contents in a safe and working condition.
And the relevance, apart from a designated finance officer and a nominal chairman there was no committee, the museum has opened every Saturday and most Tuesday evenings since their involvement, all decisions are taken by those present working on the Saturday on the basis that a distant committee would come up with all sorts or action for others to undertake. It seems to have worked well for them, obviously not viable for either 750MC or PWA7C but food for thought!