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09-06-2020, 03:09 PM
Had heard a rumour recently that there was a possibility of a tie up between the 750MC and PWA7C for the 750MC's 'Austin Seven' members. That's just been confirmed as a formal proposal by a letter that arrived here this morning. It appears that the existing 750 'A7' centres (like mine -Tunbridge Wells) are effectively going to become PWA7C centres.
Does seem like a good idea to me. When I joined the 750 club in early 1973, there was still a substantial A7 membership amongst the Sporting Trials and (Reliant powered) 750 formula racers, so at that time there was a good reason for A7 people to join. That's not really the case today. Using the maths in the letter today, it says that the PWA7C has about 1000 members, and that the merger would increase PWA7C membership by 20%. If those numbers are correct, there are only 200 of us 'A7 people' left in the 750 club. I would think quite a few of us are now really members from habit rather than conviction; at a recent club meeting where 'who joined when' came up in conversation I found that my 47 years of membership left me as a 'Johnny come lately' amongst the group.
Would be interested to hear the other forum members views on this, whether members of either or neither club.
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That seems a really good idea and will address the geographical disparity. I joined the PW for a different mag... but everyone active is oop north.
Where is my letter? (I guess its further to get down here).
Joined: Dec 2017 Posts: 1,161 Threads: 69
Location: Nottinghamshire. Robin Hood County
Car type: Austin Ruby Mk1 1935
I am a member of the PWA7C but had heard nothing of this until I read this thread. I welcome you all but wonder how it will be done. The PWA7C is divided up into regional branches are our new friends from the 750MC being enrolled (for want of a better word) into branches covering there geographical locations or will there become 750 branch. I hope that it is the former as this will help with creating a smooth merger of both clubs and not a us and them situation as has happed with A non motoring/car club to which I am a member.
John Mason
Would you believe it "Her who must be obeyed" refers to my Ruby as the toy.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,808 Threads: 99
hi stuart,
so are they stopping austin 7s from racing in the 750mc?
lf not why refer the austin 7 club members to the PWA7C?
seems strange to me that people would race but not have membership. not receive a magazine etc.
i know a few years ago the PWA7C, was wound up. that many felt the sports side of the club with the bert hadley. needed to be seperated? with more sports orientated members. would it then make sense to seperate the sports section from the PWA7C.
im not a member of either anymore, but its interesting to see whats happening.
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Car type: 1929 AD Tourer, 1930 Rosengart LR2, Rosengart LR4 Van 1938 APE Tourer (Opal)
I resigned my membership a couple of years ago siting the lack of interest in Austin sevens and the grey magazine arriving sometimes 6 weeks after everybody else got theirs. I nearly missed out on the last Euro tour because I did not know that entries were being invited, my reply was . Oh OK. Which seriously p****ed me off. It would be a great shame to lose the 750 Mc identity considering its great history.
I look on with interest.
I am always interested in any information about Rosengart details or current owners.
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Haven't we been promised some sort of "refreshed" version of the Companion?
I hope that this means that it will actually see the light of day
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Like a few others I was a member of the 750MC — since 1962 so quite a lot of mixed feelings when I quit a couple of years ago.
Our local club, part of the association of Austin seven clubs, is more like the 750 used to be and, as others have said, is the best way to get the grey mag. Getting this through the 750 became difficult and I ended up getting my copy a few weeks after everyone one else — or so it seemed.
I’m aware of the great work done by several people in the 750MC and value their contribution over many years but the present club is not as A7 oriented as before, for understandable reasons.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 892 Threads: 77
I do hope there is a continuing appetite in the merged club for the sporting /racing activities and a desire to honour the heritage of the 750 club. It seems to me the Austin 7 membership have been the squeezed minority for far too long.
From a practical point of view the many facets of the 750 club have been pulling in different directions for a couple of decades or more so perhaps for the non-racing membership at least this will be a welcome new start.
I'm always amazed at the number of clubs we have for such a small group of enthusiasts!
(750 member from '76 to '99)