Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,206 Threads: 71
Thanks Mike. I can't see anything there that looks like a match (unless I'm missing something?)
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 892 Threads: 49
Location: North Wiltshire
Car type: 1927 Chummy, 1938 Big Seven 1/2 a Trials Chummy
If anyone knows a source for pasting lace, please let us know. I think it's very hard to get hold of....
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 3,329 Threads: 372
Car type:
Is this the same location as decorated braid, around the edge of the headlining? i.e. is it just same function but on a slightly later car?
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,206 Threads: 71
Yes - as I said, "that ran round the inside of the headlining to conceal where the lower edge is tacked into the wooden framework of the body" How that compares to earlier cars (I'm dealing with a 1933 RP) I don't know. Sorry
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 620 Threads: 7
Location: queensland
Hugh your picture shows what looks like standard piping sewn up and tacked on out of seat fabric, and if you can find a fabric similar it's easy to make up yourself.
Did you see Coach Lacing at woolies part #306, it could be dyed to better match and then sewn up with cord filling. Comes in long lengths to avoid joins, has selvage edges.
More common is the use of Hidem, woolies part #240C which is designed to be tacked on but can also be pasted on when the fabric variety is used. good luck. Russell
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 1,206 Threads: 71
HI Russell. We may be dealing with an optical illusion from my photography (unintended!) The material is, in essence, flat but folded when applied to conceal the tack heads. And is only 7/8" wide when flat - part #306 at Woolies if 3" wide. Hidem is commonly used, I agree, but I must confess, I am not a fan and, in this application, wouldn't be right. I know that sounds a little 'picky' but I'm still trying to salve my conscience for re-trimming the car all those years ago, when now I would have taken a position of conservation rather than replacement. I would like to make one gesture to originality! Part#306 might be adapted but it would have to be cut down considerably and I would worry that the cut edge would fray. I'll get a sample, however, and give it some thought.
What I am wondering now is whether I might be able to commission some, perhaps from a working Mill museum 'oop north' and if anyone has any ideas as to who I might contact, I would be appreciative. Would there be any interest from others if I were to get some made?