Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 34 Threads: 14
Location: Somerset, England
Car type: Austin 7 Opal 1936
Hi folks
Recently fixed a new condenser as a preventative measure, now have pretty impressive arcing at the points. Does this automatically mean that the new condenser is faulty??
Cheers from Chris and Hilary
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 2,748 Threads: 31
Location: Auckland, NZ
Certainly suspicious. In the process did a trace of oil get onto the points? Or if the points are not all re burnished but disturbed may spark somewhat.
Colleagues running older cars report a lot of trouble with replacement condensers. drawing long sparks, or having the ht lead open circuit generates potentially damaging voltages everywhere.
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 34 Threads: 14
Location: Somerset, England
Car type: Austin 7 Opal 1936
Thanks Bob
Points are clean and burnished. Not tested open circuit but thanks for your tip; won’t be doing open circuit testing in future. Will switch out new condenser and see what difference...
Cheers from Chris and Hilary
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 899 Threads: 50
Location: North Wiltshire
Car type: 1927 Chummy, 1938 Big Seven 1/2 a Trials Chummy
Worthwhile checking eBay for New Old Stock condensers. Also worth checking for similar rotor arms and distributor caps as the modern black "insulating stuff" that the new items are made from doesn't last 5 minutes.