21-02-2019, 03:37 PM (This post was last modified: 21-02-2019, 03:46 PM by Martin Prior.)
Jamie - Unfortunately, short of sawing the top off Dave's head, there's really no scope for lowering the roof any further. I should have drawn a human figure next to the car to emphasise just how tiny it is. As it stands, it's around 8" lower than my RP.
Simon - Although I'm hoping to use Nippy components in the tail, my overall intention was to produce something that looks as though it could date from the late 1920s. I'm also aiming for simplicity and economy; a raked windscreen would look nice, but would significantly complicate or weaken the door hanging arrangements. Maybe something to think about for the Mk2 model!
Paul - can't beat it!
I've just rceived my November buff Association magazine and was fascinated by the GE "Statement" regarding bodywork. If you are building a special do take the trouble to read his philosophy regarding bodywork design.
So far, I have only been working on the engine and its ancillaries. I shall not be starting on the actual car until my new, larger garage is ready. It goes up in a fortnight and then will need fitting out.
In the meantime, I have been doing more draft ideas for the body shell. Much as I like the idea of a convertible, I am not sure whether I really want the potential aggravation of dealing with DVLA over the registration. Consequently, I have started to draft plans for a two-seater hardtop again. This is my latest draft, which I think looks better than my first efforts, although the head-room may need altering in practice.
IMHO I'd lower the top-line of the bonnet and scuttle, add a little more rake to the windscreen, aim for a flatter roof and lower the seat base . You'd gain a bit of headroom and still be able to see a lowered radiator cap.
Also, your tyre/mudguard clearances may need to be looked at.
That aside,it has a pleasing look so get that garage fitted out and crack on!
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 382 Threads: 16
8 Location: Port Elizabeth, Sunny South Africa
Car type: '26 Chummy, '28 Top Hat, '33 Type "65", single seaters
Try to avoid too many straight lines. IMHO the bonnet line should rise slightly from the radiator cowl. Echoing Duncan and Eric’s comments lower the radiator and “sweep” the bonnet line up to the windscreen. I would also lower the seat. In my current special build I am sitting on the floor with a minimal cushion!
What skills do you have regarding body building. If as suggested above you introduce more curves you are likely to end up with compound curves which are very difficult to clad unless you have some panel beating skills.