Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 2,002 Threads: 90
Location: Ripon
And the watchword is"Be prepared"...
cf. Tom Lehrer
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 787 Threads: 26
Location: On a hill in Wiltshire
I enjoyed the article, there are a couple of things there I need to try.
One cannot do too much amorous activity in a Cambridge special.
I used to carry my bike strapped across the back, and I once fitted all the cushions from a three piece suite in, but in the vertical dimension it was good (bad, really) in that it could enter and leave car parks without bothering the barrier.
Joined: Oct 2017 Posts: 1,578 Threads: 58
That depends on how co-operative the the lady is. That part of the article was at the request of a member who was interested in how I managed to get a good night sleep in a Seven.
Joined: Nov 2017 Posts: 250 Threads: 2
And did the Certain Driver ask the Lady if she believed in the Hereafter? (Remember the old adage? - "If you're not here after what I'm here after, you'll be here after I'm gone"). Cheers, Bill in Oz
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 2,748 Threads: 31
Location: Auckland, NZ
Owners of modern cars (made in the last 40 years) have been denied the close company of the front seat passenger. Few cars match the intimacy of Seven directly (reaching for the choke in an RP could get your face slapped, and the handbrake in all) but bench seats without the enormous console, with column change, and no seat belts encouraged closeness. It was common to follow cars with two occupying little more than the drivers seat.
(I think the Seven closeness was to enable conversation).
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 3,452 Threads: 108
Location: Darkest Bedfordshire
There's a block of lock-up garages next door and my Ulster rep will squeeze under the barrier with about 1/4" to spare, screen down flat. You have to go slow though just in case one tyre runs over a stone. Constant source of amusement.