Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 933 Threads: 18
Location: North Yorkshire
Looking forward to the weekend. Arrangements have been made to trailer the Brooklands, which for the first time ever was reluctant to start the other day! Turned out to be some crud around the gauze filter in the carburettor inlet banjo. I will be checking it again today to make sure that was the problem, I don't want it disgracing itself amongst such distinguished company.
It seems that most of Duncan's panel beating class will be in attendance, perhaps we could form the Guildtown Steel Band to accompany the other musical attractions?
Now I have a better idea of who is going to be there, I had better get some more wine from Lidl (other wine suppliers are available).
We will be stopping overnight in Berwick on the Friday night to break the journey with the two Border Collies, so will be at Guildtown around lunchtime on Saturday. The Brooklands will be there Friday afternoon.
Let's hope the heatwave promised for next week extends into the following week!
Joined: Mar 2015 Posts: 5,497 Threads: 231
Location: Scotchland
This all sounds like things are coming together very nicely.
Looking forward to seeing you both there Malcolm.
Joined: May 2018 Posts: 2,143 Threads: 111
Location: Llandrindod Wells
Car type: 29 Special, 30 RK, 28 C Cab
Hi Ruaridh
Partly to bump this to the top of the threads but also to confirm my memories of the last time we came up.
We're trailering the RK up tomorrow and staying with our 7 month old grandson in Glasgow til Friday (oh and his parents of course!). So I'm packing the camping gear today.
I think there are showers available although I seem to remember that the temperature was a little cold? Is there a fridge for ice packs? We'll be off early on Monday but for those that don't need to leave at the crack of dawn when do people need to be off the field?
Really looking forward to it!
Joined: Mar 2015 Posts: 5,497 Threads: 231
Location: Scotchland
Showers - yes, plenty and certainly hot, in my experience.
Ice packs - talk to me when you arrive and I will see if something can be arranged for.
Leaving - whenever you like, we are basing the Club holiday at the Rally field for the week, stay for an extra few nights if you wish, we have much planned.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 2,002 Threads: 90
Location: Ripon
Looking forward to the weekend, just hoping I can catch my breath between PND and Guildtown.
Might there be some auto jumble? I'm after a speedo cable and a working oil pressure gauge.
Is there a neat way to find a period(ish) tachometer that will run of the sparks? I really could have done with one last weekend...