Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 24 Threads: 10
Location: Denmark
Car type: Austin 7 Boattail 1931&1929
Dos anybody one know were to get ,a riveting punch as illustrated in Austin Seven source book page 530. Or something similar cranked rivet punch. It need to be cranked ,but may be not that special face shown ,just able to make a nice end result of the inside hollow rivet. ?
Thanks in advance Mogens
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 482 Threads: 63
Location: West/North Devon England
For riveting shoes you first need to buy a packet of "Growmore A" powder. The powder is applied in the arm pits and within a few years (the usual time for a rebuild) another arm will have grown!
The riveting needs at the very least 3 arms/hands - one to hold and manoeuvre the shoe over the anvil, one to operate the hammer and one to steady the punch. Asking the wife's help usually ends in acrimony.....far better to remain a married multi-arm freak than a pauper divorcee.
Dennis (freak)
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Location: Nottinghamshire. Robin Hood County
Car type: Austin Ruby Mk1 1935
I agree with Dennis in as much that you need a helper so there is another pair of hands. I did my brake linings a few years ago using a punch bought for leather work and putting in eyelets. The only other thing needed was a round steel rod the diameter of the rivet heads to make an anvil. I put two flats on the bottom half of the rod so I could hold it in the vice. I then used a hammer on the punch to expand and round the ends of the rivets. It also works with clutch lining.
John Mason
Would you believe it "Her who must be obeyed" refers to my Ruby as the toy.
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Car type: '28 GE Cup. '28 AD Chummy '30 RL Saloon. '34 RP Saloon. Too Many toys!
Use a 3/8 or 7/16 or so piece of bar. Use the angle grinder (or file if you have time to waste) and relieve the side of the bar where neccassary to clear the shoe. Shape the end again to suit. You.can then get it on the rivet square to upset it. Another bar held in the vice on the head and it is possible by yourself.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 24 Threads: 10
Location: Denmark
Car type: Austin 7 Boattail 1931&1929
Thank You all ,for reply. I think I will try the Hed Jones metode ,and lathe the punch end with a small conical tip to guide and try to grind a grove to roll the tube part out. Then grind the metal away ,to get it half moon shaped ,where it is not needed now, doglegged ,make obvious . Now to Workshop.