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I've used a new carborundum block to clean it up, but I'll try the plate glass route... don't as yet know who to approach for engine bits.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 3,425 Threads: 107
Location: Darkest Bedfordshire
Whatever you do Jon it must be all over the joint face, no localised rubbing down.
Zeto is right, that skimming will (should) make the face flat. I tend to avoid paying others to do things wherever possible because of the number of times things have come back ruined. At best they will take off more metal than was necessary (and there are only so many times you can skim a part).
There's a fairly trustworthy engine recon shop close to Cardington if you are coming up Jon, I can give you the details if interested.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 382 Threads: 16
Location: Port Elizabeth, Sunny South Africa
Car type: '26 Chummy, '28 Top Hat, '33 Type "65", single seaters
Another useful flat surface is the chunk of marble or Smartstone that is left over from installing a double bowl kitchen sink into a fancy kitchen counter top. I have two of them in the garage and being nearly 2" thick they are quite robust items to work on. I've lapped a few items on them.
The installers usually never take the marble off-cuts away and they just lie around in the yard or behind the shed & most folks seem happy to get rid of them.