15-01-2025, 04:43 PM
Dear Member-Club contact and A7CA Reps,
Many thanks for your considered input into the points that were discussed last night, it made for a very efficient and quick meeting.
In brief summary.
- Please read the notes about the Stanley Edge Memorial costs and proposed design - comments and ideas should be fed back through me, a vote on this spend will take place after the April AGM.
- We are still looking for an Insurance Liaison Officer to take over from David Mawby in April - a job spec is being prepared by David and will be sent out to you all for publication in your magazine soon.
- Clubs agreed to the £60 bank charges - as requested by the Treasurer.
- The Austin Seven Club of Ulster was welcomed as our newest full member Club - details of them and the activities they undertake will be published in a future A7CA Magazine.
- Chris Dickinson was duly elected as the Events CoOrdinator.
- The hunt for an Assistant Magazine Editor is still on - Howard is preparing a Job Spec. This will be sent out to you all for publication in your magazine soon.
Unconfirmed minutes of the meeting can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vCHB...sp=sharing
Many thanks,
Ruairidh Dunford
A7CA Secretary