20-02-2022, 09:43 PM
The Inter Register events for 2022 have already begun, an Austin Seven storming to 1st in Novice class, not the one of which a picture was on this table top.
Real cars will be welcomed out into the open open air for the following;
Sun 20th March Scatter Navigation Rally Sussex
Sat 16th April Scatter Rally Surrey/Sussex
Sat 4th June Scatter Rally Herefordshire
Sat 9th July Scatter Rally Thames Valley
Sat 13th Aug Batho Trophy Rally Worcestershire
Sat 27th Aug North Salopian Rally Shropshire
Sat 25 Sept Crossley Treasure Hunt North Yorks
Sat 19th Nov Nightjar Scatter/Orienteering Surrey/Hants/Berks
Further info and contact details for regs to be found on the Inter Register web site.
In 2021 Rob Rhodes took the Individual Trophy, having appeared at Much Marcle with his very desirable and much discussed recent acquisition. Overall PWA7C managed 3rd place for the Shield. The proportion of Sevens signing on as PWA7C has increased, so let's see if we can beat the MGs this year. Chasing the fleets of Rileys might be a different matter.
Real cars will be welcomed out into the open open air for the following;
Sun 20th March Scatter Navigation Rally Sussex
Sat 16th April Scatter Rally Surrey/Sussex
Sat 4th June Scatter Rally Herefordshire
Sat 9th July Scatter Rally Thames Valley
Sat 13th Aug Batho Trophy Rally Worcestershire
Sat 27th Aug North Salopian Rally Shropshire
Sat 25 Sept Crossley Treasure Hunt North Yorks
Sat 19th Nov Nightjar Scatter/Orienteering Surrey/Hants/Berks
Further info and contact details for regs to be found on the Inter Register web site.
In 2021 Rob Rhodes took the Individual Trophy, having appeared at Much Marcle with his very desirable and much discussed recent acquisition. Overall PWA7C managed 3rd place for the Shield. The proportion of Sevens signing on as PWA7C has increased, so let's see if we can beat the MGs this year. Chasing the fleets of Rileys might be a different matter.