I hired someone with 2,used as wedding cars for my wifes daughter 3 or 4 years ago (My Box too small and tatty) One of the cars decided to get a bit hot under the collar on the way to the wedding and popped out a core plug.
It was all well handled, the driver dashed back home to fetch a core plug and was hammering it in during the service and fixed by the time they came out.
I asked the drivers wife who was driving the other car how many times they'd had breakdowns,4 times in 23 years,Clutch failure being the worst. she said.
I own a late model Goodwood is that close enough?
When we got married the firm I worked for at the time offered us the choice of either two MK3 Cortinas or two MK4 Zephyrs off the used car lot as wedding cars [ I was a cash-strapped apprentice and the obligatory Daimler or Jaguar wasn't an option].
We opted for the safer option of the Cortinas, all good on the day but it was rather tempting fate I feel.
Do I qualify? In 1955 I upgraded from my 1936 Austin 7 roadster to a 1936 Austin 10 (cambridge?) it was rather tired and had a knock like a Big End but it turned out to be end float in the crank. Took the engine out fixed the endfloat shoved it back in and set off on a 400 mile trip. Must of driven it for about a year before the next upgrade to an A40 Devon.