I have been looking around, but with little success. Does anyone know a font which approximates to the Austin script used on the radiator badges? I lack the hand-writing or calligraphy skill to create what I want to do by hand.
The original Austin script was hand-drawn rather than using a formal font; your best bet would be to draw, or get someone to draw, the lettering you want:
I managed to copy the 'Austin' logo fairly successfully using enlarge/reduce on a photocopier and cutting out a stencil.
If you want other letters though you may be on your own...
26-08-2020, 11:13 AM (This post was last modified: 26-08-2020, 11:15 AM by Howard Wright.
Edit Reason: Forgot to add photo
Hi Jamie
I used the Ford (wash my mouth out) script as a basis for my special badges. In the end cutting and polishing the 2mm aluminium distorted things a bit.
Thank you for the replies and suggestions. You Brookfields script loooks good, Howard. My daughter is quite artisitc and has said that she will have a go for me, but if she is not successful, I shall have a look for the Ford font and see how I get on with it.
Have a look at the Hupmobile script as well. There are one or two others too, mostly American, but I can't think of them all at the moment. The prewar car magazines adverts are the best bet...
True satisfaction is the delayed fulfilment of ancient wish
Thank you for the suggestion, Bob. That is a good match for the script. I have been lucky, though, as I finally managed to encourage my artistic daughter to draw what I wanted. I now need to scan it and convert it into a jpg or dxf file.