Thanks for all your replies relating to the misfire.
I have now checked the following,
Cold compression check all 95psi
Changed the points as I found a breakdown in the wire between the points and the condenser and then changed the distributor cap and rotor arm.
The engine started immediately and ran fault free for a couple few minutes before the misfire and loss of revs started. Further hot compression check, all still 95psi.
Engine refused to start again after 20 minutes so I decided to remove the head and start thinking about looking for a sticking valve.
Attached is a photo of the block, any ideas why a couple of valves are grey and the rest heavily coated in carbon?
The block is a sports block with larger valves and a HC compression head on a standard 2 bearing engine, which has run fine since the rebuild in 2015
Condition of valves..png (Size: 413.3 KB / Downloads: 263)