Joined: Sep 2018 Posts: 255 Threads: 67
Hello, I'm currently unable to find a exhaust down pipe for the Nippy, Is it possible to cut shut and bend ,say a Ruby exhaust down pipe in the hope of it fitting. mine has a flexi pipe, so cant even use as a template.
Any advice would be welcome, New to A7s.
Regards Rob
Joined: Sep 2018 Posts: 255 Threads: 67
Dave, Thank you for your time in posting a reply, Any pics you have would be great. I will contact T. Law ,but nice to know that a cut and shut of another none 65 exhaust could be achieved. noted LWB downpipe which is a good starting point.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 3,430 Threads: 107
Location: Darkest Bedfordshire
Does your Nippy have a Nippy manifold on it Rob? I'm just trying to remember if the flange detail is same as the tourers.
I'm pretty sure I used a tourer downpipe on mine back in the day but it would not have been with a Nippy manifold.
They aren't dreadfully difficult to fabricate if needs be, though having a pattern would be a big help.
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There is a post on the Nippy archive about the bracketry for the exhaust run too.
I've always been interested to know, after seeing ChrisKC's pic of doing his exhaust, of whether you can bend an exhaust a bit with heat and the right sort of things to bend it round?
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 3,430 Threads: 107
Location: Darkest Bedfordshire
Hot pipe bending isn't especially difficult, but needs a bit of organisation and forethought.