LThis coming saterday 13th July is a small ish car show and auto jumble. On the A47 desford LEICESTERSHIRE.
Please check there website, if anyone knows how to put a link on. Would apreciate it.
It's FREE entry if you turn up with an old car, and you can leave anytime if you don't want to spend all day there.
If any of our austin friends want to join us, they are more than welcome to come and show the world why our sevens are the first choice in pre war cars. And obviously the best.
I'm hopeing to have 2 of our sporty numbers there if I can sort the oil pressure ?
The wheather looks to be ok ish.
I'll keep an eye on that, as it's not easy to attend in cars with no wipers.
Good evening Tony. I attended,saw you in the far distance buying up all the bargains as I arrived.
Getting to the event caused me no end of pleasure visiting places that I had never even heard of: Leicester Forests Easts & West, Earl Shilton (home of the goalie?) and the garden city of Leicester itself. The problem was my sat nav didn't recognise the post code and although I had a map I had a complete failure of Left and Right.
The air of depression amongst the stall holders was palpable, I bought a repro petrol globe lamp at a substantial discount and I think it was all the money he had taken on the day. Still you have to visit these events if you are to find anything.
Thanks for the original post and keep up the good work on your mega sort out.
Sorry didnt make it as was sorting the daughters birthday party, looked like the Saturday event worked well then, at least bob made it by the looks in his rp saloon