19-03-2021, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 19-03-2021, 09:09 PM by Bob Culver.)
"You wont need to comb your hair in Gaudalacanal, pretty boy!"
""You are wasting your time. My mum wont approve of the tatts."
"If the truck had power steering I would be driving and you would be dodging kamikazes"
" Steering this has certainly devloped your muscles Wilbur" (So many Yanks were called Wilbur that Commonwealth troops referrred to all as Wilburs)
"That dye color suits you Wilbur. Perhaps a bit white supremicist but you wont have to worry about that for a while"
"You wont believe this Wilbur, but in NZ in 2020 a packet of 25 fags will cost you 1 1/2 hours pay "
(I was recently talking to a neighbour. He had spoken to the next neighbour who had been violently chastising his many children. The excuse was he was out of fags and money and felt bad. So the good Samaratan undertook to buy him a packet at local shop and did. He expected to pay maybe $10! (L5) not $35.
Joined: Aug 2017 Posts: 386 Threads: 16
8 Location: Port Elizabeth, Sunny South Africa
Car type: '26 Chummy, '28 Top Hat, '33 Type "65", single seaters