Starter Motor Charity. - Printable Version

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Starter Motor Charity. - Peter Butler - 04-08-2024


I have been asked to loan a Speedy (not the Le Mans car) to the "Starter Motor" Charity, based at Bicester Heritage. I think I will.

They are going to be featured at the VSCC 90th Anniversary this week. (Ten plus years' short of Austin 7 production, of course!).

Has anyone a view on them? They seem o.k., they visited a couple of weeks ago, and we reciprocated. The Bicester site is impressive, well worth a visit, the whole site is Listed, and extremely well maintained. No wonder the VSCC have meetings there! It was the first Aerodrome used by Royal Flying Corps - it is vast.

As ever,

Peter Butler.

RE: Starter Motor Charity. - Chris KC - 04-08-2024

I don't know the charity Peter, but I have seen the Bicester Heritage site and agree it's impressive!

I think if I were loaning anyone a Speedy I'd want to know who was going to drive it and what insurance cover they have.

Sounds like a commendable aim though - there's increasing awareness across the vintage car world I think that we need 'young blood' to keep our hobby (the term hardly seems adequate) alive.

Of course for vintage motoring to survive in future we also need a voice in the legislative landscape - I must say I'm less clear who is taking up that challenge.

RE: Starter Motor Charity. - Ivor Hawkins - 04-08-2024

I live just down the rad from Bicester Heritage and a pal of mine engineers vintage Bentleys, it’s quite a place.

I’m a member of the Austin Ten Drivers Club (and annoy them by driving a Seven!) and I know they are actively involved with Starter Motor and reports I’ve heard are that it is run on a professional basis, I often see Starter Motor cars driving through my village.

Which reminds me I better get down the pub for Bill Lacey Memorial Day, I’ve just spotted a Ruby ORT down there, which is quite a rare sight.