Steering Column - Safety Check? - Printable Version

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Steering Column - Safety Check? - Chris KC - 11-07-2024

This is possibly a stupid question, but -

I acquired an apparently sound steering column I intend to fit to my car - common sense suggests I should give it a once-over first for safety's sake - can anyone suggest what I should be looking for? 

- loose fixings
- presence of clean~ish grease
- cracks
- excessive play or tight spots
...erm...anything else? Are there any specific pitfalls to look out for?

It must be 40 years since I last had one apart so any input welcomed.

RE: Steering Column - Safety Check? - Robert Foreman - 11-07-2024

  every column  rebuild should involve checking that the worm is still properly 'spiked' on and that none of the folded over ears are cracked or broken.
  Test by tapping each one in turn with a small punch and hammer. I have had columns where they just fall off when tapped. 


RE: Steering Column - Safety Check? - Chris KC - 11-07-2024

Thanks Robert - exactly the kind of input I was hoping for.

RE: Steering Column - Safety Check? - Duncan Grimmond - 11-07-2024


RE: Steering Column - Safety Check? - Robert Foreman - 14-07-2024

Unfortunately it's almost impossible to crack test.