Another Archive donation - Printable Version

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Another Archive donation - Archivist - 04-09-2021

I was lucky enough to spend the day in the company of Adli Halabi this week and, following close on the heels of the gift of the Military Album (which is now in the hands of the Conservation department of the County Archives) Adli presented the Archive with this wonderful poster that would have graced the Austin stand at the Olympia Motor Show in 1932. I am pretty certain that this is a hand produced piece as it can be seen where two pieces of paper, top and bottom, are joined and there are some small 'blemishes' in the ink work that suggests to me it wasn't done by machine.

But I might be wrong!

It isn't immediately apparent from the photgraph but the poster, in its frame, measures 5'2" x 3'7". You will be able to see it in all its glory at the centenary event.

Thank you Adli for another extremely generous donation. Adli also gave me some other materials that I am going through at the moment which all make wonderful additions to the Archive.


RE: Another Archive donation - David Stepney - 04-09-2021

And the only model without a price reduction was 20 hp Ranelagh Limousine!

RE: Another Archive donation - Peter Naulls - 04-09-2021

Very generous of Adli once again and a great addition to the archive. I'm looking forward to seeing some of these lovely exhibits next year.

RE: Another Archive donation - Mike Costigan - 04-09-2021

Indeed, that's a magnificent addition to the Archives - thank you, Adli, if you're reading this.

RE: Another Archive donation - Nick Salmon - 04-09-2021

That is a wonderful and very generous donation by Adli. If I am not being presumptuous, Hugh, please do pass on our collective thanks.

RE: Another Archive donation - Tony Betts - 04-09-2021

Wow, another stunner.

Well done adli,


RE: Another Archive donation - Andy Bennett - 05-09-2021

So did they haggle back then or was list it? After all there wasn't much of an options list to sweeten a deal.

RE: Another Archive donation - Bob Culver - 05-09-2021

It is remarkbale that so many paid so much extra for the complexity of th sunroof. Many otherwise deluxe models sent here seem to have had just the smokers hatch (I was told that when small I would stand with my hair sucked vertical by the ventilator)

RE: Another Archive donation - Archivist - 05-09-2021

I am sure that in the Archive there is an Austin official publication that says that no dealer has the right to sell a new car at anything less than list price. It is in the pile of 'ephemera' that I am slowly trying to work through and assess..

And Bob, a DeLuxe version of the 7 was far more than the sliding roof. Leather upholstery instead of Rexine, chrome on the lamps etc instead of painted. I would imagine the DeLuxe looked a far nicer option for the extra £10.

As an aside, if you look closely at the Tickford vrsion, you will notice that they are converted from Standard models as they didn;t pay the extra for the sliding roof as it was just cut off anyway...
