National Austin 7 Rally 2020 - Printable Version

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National Austin 7 Rally 2020 - Nick Salmon - 16-03-2020

A message from rally organiser, Ian Nelson.

Dear Austin 7 Chums,

We are all watching the daily and hourly news updates with varying levels of excitement and weariness. While nothing is certain at this stage, I am letting you all know that we are continuing to plan and organise the event as usual. However, our organising team will keep an eye on official announcements and developments before deciding on whether the event will go ahead. We have in mind to make a final decision on or before 1st June.

In the meantime, I won't be sending you the usual entry form even though it's ready to go. I wish you all well, and suggest you try and self-isolate by taking your Seven for a spin …….. maybe on your own!

Best wishes,

Ian Nelson
750MC National Austin 7 Rally at Beaulieu

RE: National Austin 7 Rally 2020 - Lowlevelandfast - 22-03-2020

Thanks Ian if it's cancelled I shall be lost .

RE: National Austin 7 Rally 2020 - John Mason - 22-03-2020

lowlevelandfast In view of your last post now maybe the time to invest in a new Satnav. Only joking just trying to insert a little humour in these distressing times.

John Mason.

RE: National Austin 7 Rally 2020 - Rick F - 22-03-2020

Whatever the decision of the organisers, what are the chances of being able to find any accomodation in the area if they do decide to go ahead?

RE: National Austin 7 Rally 2020 - Chris KC - 22-03-2020

Rick F - easy - camp!

RE: National Austin 7 Rally 2020 - Robert Foreman - 22-03-2020

Camping is one of the best parts of Beaulieu.

RE: National Austin 7 Rally 2020 - Rick F - 23-03-2020

I last "camped" at a rallly when my wife and I, added by copious amounts of alcohol, slept in the back of our Big Seven at the 1972 Longbridge 50th anniversary.

As I had planned to attend Beaulieu in the Special, which has no weather protection and about enough room in the boot for a spare pair of socks, camping is not an option. Leaving aside the fact that the chances of finding anywhere in England open to supply sufficient ale to numb the senses during the current crisis are nil......