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STEERING COLUMN SPLINE. - Rpm - 28-03-2019

Hi Guys . My steering column spline has been extended,the longer spline welded to original spline. My question is ,if I cut off the extended part , do you think iI will be able to recover the original . Some of the original spline is showing. Any thoughts or views appreciated.
Regards Rob RPM

RE: STEERING COLUMN SPLINE. - Zetomagneto - 29-03-2019

Possibly, but presumably the weld has destroyed the threads.Would need to see a photo really.
Sounds like a lathe job, part off the extension leaving enough to screwcut a new thread.

RE: STEERING COLUMN SPLINE. - Chris KC - 29-03-2019

Suggest you post a photo Rob. I can't really see why not as long as you are able to clean up the spline ends.
Less sure about the metallurgy - whether it may have been weakened.

RE: STEERING COLUMN SPLINE. - dickie65 - 29-03-2019

Hi Rob,
What car is the column from ?
Nippys had a longer column so it could be an extended box saloon column made to fit a Nippy.

Cheers Richard


what about the steering box, Rob - is that a 9E one or is it a standard one wedged to the right sport angle?

RE: STEERING COLUMN SPLINE. - Rpm - 31-03-2019

Hi Guys apologies for late reply, The box has 9E ... stamped on the main body. Don't think colunm been messed with , just that the wheel, Bluemels stands away from colunm by about 2" and what looks like a spine on top of spline and blob of weld. Could be the original was damaged , although you would have thought if that the case, you would cut old off and reweld or have re cut. I will post a pic tomorrow.
Thanks again all.